Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy of the Sakesar Formation, Chak Naurang Well X, Potwar Sub-Basin, Upper Indus Basin, Pakistan

  • Ammad Ahmed Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan
  • Mujahid Ahmed Khan Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan (HDIP), Islamabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Sakesar, Chak Naurang, Shallow benthic Biozones SBZ, Potowar Sub basin, Nummulites, Alveolina, Sakesaria


Sakesar Formation of Early Eocene is well preserved in core of Chak Naurang Well X was observed and sampled in detail for biostratigraphic study. The total measured thickness of Sakesar Formation is 70 meter which conformably lies over Patala Formation and underlies Chorgali Formation. To determine the age total 31 polished thin sections prepared for descriptive biostratigraphic studies of Sakesar Formation following Modern Shallow Benthic Biozones (Serra-Kiel et al., 1998). Total 21 species of larger benthic foraminifera (LBF) were recorded including age diagnostic fossil i.e. Nummulites Atacicus, Nummulites mammilatus, Nummulites globulus with Alveolina eliptica, Alveolina Vredenbergi and Sakesaria cotteri, following modern shallow foraminiferal Larger benthic biozones (SBZ), the exact assigned age of Sakesar Formation is Middle Ilerdian II (SBZ 8) of Early Eocene.


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