Geology and Structure of Kuza Gali-Dunga Gali-Ayubia Area, Hazara-Potwar Basin with a Reference to Hydrocarbon Prospects of Attock-Hazara Fold and Thrust Belt
The Attock-Hazara Cold and thrust belt of Pakistan Corming the northern rim of oil producing Kohat-Potwar depression is a slab of folded platform sediments which . were thrust southward. The thrusting accompanied by rotation and decollement produced stacks of stratigraphic sections. This foldbelt, especially its southern front, is of some interest for hydrocarbon exploration because of its continuation with the oil producing Potwar area and presence of a number of oil seepages.
Detailed geological mapping of a part of the Coldand thrust belt (Kuza Gali-DungaGall-Ayubla areajhasbeen carried out at a scale 1:9560 in order to understand lithostratigraphy, structure and regional geology in relation. to the larger tectonic framework. Stratigraphically, the area shows exposures of rock units CromMiddle Jurassic to Eocene and belongs to the so-called Kohat-Potwar basin. The overall structure of the mapped area is an anticlinorium bounded by the two synclinoria to its north and south.