Energy Options for the World and the South Asia Region



The world of today is witnessing a considerable change. The economic and political forces which have already played a vital role in the post war period, are again causing a clear and definite transformation. According to the World Bank forecasts, the economy of the third world countries will grow at nearly 5% per year during the next ten years compared with around 2.7% for the developed countries. Such an enormous and persistent gap will obviously alter the world economy. According to these estimates, the share of developing countries, together with those of the former Soviet block, in today’s global economy is to rise from the present 44% to more than 50%, overtaking those of the developed countries. Considering the economic size of the individual countries, the world’s top 15 economies in the year 2020 will contain those 9 countries which are presently classified as developing economies with China . surpassing the USA to take the top of the table.
