Palynomorph Occurrence in Relation to Geochemistry, in the Amb Formation (Artinskian), Zaluch Gorge, Salt Range, Pakistan
Vertical distribution of palynomorphs, in early Middle Permian strata (Amb Formation of Artinskian age), Salt Range, Pakistan was studied in relation to geochemistry. A total number of 24 rock samples were collected and processed forthis purpose, from the outcrop of Amb Formation at Zaluch Gorge, Salt Range, Pakistan.
Geochemical analysis of rock samples consisted of thirteen (13) major oxides. Silica (Si02), Titanium (Ti02), Aluminium (AI203), Ferric (Fe203), Ferrous (FeO), Maganese (MnO), Calcium (CaO), Magnesium (MgO), Sodium (Na20), Potassium (K20), Phosphorous (P205) and Carbon (organic + inorganic) in addition to water of crystallization (H20+) and adsorbed water (H202).
Each sample of 20 grams was processed separately to determine the number of palynomorphs in order to assess the productivity level of each sample.
Of the 13 major elements studied, relative occurrence of Calcium Oxide, Magnesium oxide and carbon (organic and inorganic) was found to affect (control) the productivity level of samples.A total of 56 palynomorph species belonging to 32 form genera were recorded,
11 genera and 19 species belonged to trilete, 6 genera Sind 10 species to monosaccates, 12 genera and 24 species to bisaccates. Two species of colpates and 1 species of acolpate pollen were also recorded. In this paper we have attempted to introduce and indicate an important aspect of palynomorph availability and preservation in the sediments which remained totally unnoticed or ignored todate. Such trends if successfully confirmed and verified by further studies may revolutionize the entire field or paleo palynology.